Purescript: Haskell + Javascript
Elm is a great language, as we cover in our Elm Series. It has great, intuitive primitives for building a web UI. But it lacks a lot of important features that we as Haskell developers are used to, most notably typeclasses.
Purescript offers another alternative in the realm of functional "javascript-like" languages. Its feature set more closely resembles that of Haskell. In this series we'll explore Purescript, from the absolute basics of the language to building full web UI's.
Purescript Part 1: Basics of Purescript
Our Haskell Web Series covers a lot of cool libraries you can use when making a web app. But fron...
Purescript Part 2: Typeclasses and Monads
In part 1 of this series, we started our exploration of Purescript. Purescript seeks to bring som...
Purescript Part 3: Simple Web UI's
In part 2 of this series, we continued learning the basic elements of Purescript. We examined how...
Purescript Part 4: Web Requests and Navigation
Welcome to the conclusion of our series on Purescript! We've spent a lot of time now learning to ...