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Спецификация (Specification)

Спецификация — шаблон проектирования, посредством которого представление правил бизнес логики может быть преобразовано в виде цепочки объектов, связанных операциями булевой логики.

Больше информации в Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Specification_pattern

// Pattern Specification
// In the following example, we are retrieving invoices and sending them to a collection agency if
//  1. they are overdue,
//  2. notices have been sent, and
//  3. they are not already with the collection agency.
// This example is meant to show the end result of how the logic is 'chained' together.
// This usage example assumes a previously defined OverdueSpecification class
// that is satisfied when an invoice's due date is 30 days or older,
// a NoticeSentSpecification class that is satisfied when three notices
// have been sent to the customer, and an InCollectionSpecification class
// that is satisfied when an invoice has already been sent to the collection
// agency. The implementation of these classes isn't important here.

package specification

// Data for analysis
type Invoice struct {
	Day    int
	Notice int
	IsSent bool


// Invoice Specification Interface
type Specification interface {
	IsSatisfiedBy(Invoice) bool
	And(Specification) Specification
	Or(Specification) Specification
	Not() Specification


// Invoice BaseSpecification
type BaseSpecification struct {

// Check specification
func (self *BaseSpecification) IsSatisfiedBy(elm Invoice) bool {
	return false

// Condition AND
func (self *BaseSpecification) And(spec Specification) Specification {
	a := &AndSpecification{
		self.Specification, spec,
	return a

// Condition OR
func (self *BaseSpecification) Or(spec Specification) Specification {
	a := &OrSpecification{
		self.Specification, spec,
	return a

// Condition NOT
func (self *BaseSpecification) Not() Specification {
	a := &NotSpecification{
	return a

// Relate to specification
func (self *BaseSpecification) Relate(spec Specification) {
	self.Specification = spec


// AndSpecification
type AndSpecification struct {
	compare Specification

// Check specification
func (self *AndSpecification) IsSatisfiedBy(elm Invoice) bool {
	return self.Specification.IsSatisfiedBy(elm) && self.compare.IsSatisfiedBy(elm)


// OrSpecification
type OrSpecification struct {
	compare Specification

// Check specification
func (self *OrSpecification) IsSatisfiedBy(elm Invoice) bool {
	return self.Specification.IsSatisfiedBy(elm) || self.compare.IsSatisfiedBy(elm)


// NotSpecification
type NotSpecification struct {

// Check specification
func (self *NotSpecification) IsSatisfiedBy(elm Invoice) bool {
	return !self.Specification.IsSatisfiedBy(elm)


// Invoice's due date is 30 days or older
type OverDueSpecification struct {

// Check specification
func (self *OverDueSpecification) IsSatisfiedBy(elm Invoice) bool {
	return elm.Day >= 30

// Constructor
func NewOverDueSpecification() Specification {
	a := &OverDueSpecification{&BaseSpecification{}}
	return a

// Three notices have been sent to the customer
type NoticeSentSpecification struct {

// Check specification
func (self *NoticeSentSpecification) IsSatisfiedBy(elm Invoice) bool {
	return elm.Notice >= 3

// Constructor
func NewNoticeSentSpecification() Specification {
	a := &NoticeSentSpecification{&BaseSpecification{}}
	return a

// Invoice has already been sent to the collection agency.
type InCollectionSpecification struct {

// Check specification
func (self *InCollectionSpecification) IsSatisfiedBy(elm Invoice) bool {
	return !elm.IsSent

// Constructor
func NewInCollectionSpecification() Specification {
	a := &InCollectionSpecification{&BaseSpecification{}}
	return a
package specification

import (

func TestSpecification(t *testing.T) {
	overDue := NewOverDueSpecification()
	noticeSent := NewNoticeSentSpecification()
	inCollection := NewInCollectionSpecification()

	sendToCollection := overDue.And(noticeSent).And(inCollection.Not())

	invoice := Invoice{
		Day:    31,    // >= 30
		Notice: 4,     // >= 3
		IsSent: false, // false

	// true!
	result := sendToCollection.IsSatisfiedBy(invoice)

	if !result {
		t.Errorf("Expect result to equal %v, but %v.\n", false, true)