State Монада
InВ theпрошлой previousчасти, partмы ofизучили thisмонады series,Reader
weи learnedWriter
. aboutОни theпакакзил, Readerчто andна Writerсамом monads.деле Theseимеем gaveалтернативу usглобальным aпеременным. newНам perspectiveпросто onнужно Haskell.каким-то Theyобразом showedзаключить thatих inв factопределенный weтип, canэто haveто globalдля variablesчего ofони someнужны. sort;В weэтой justчасти needизучим toState
encodeмонаду, themкоторая inобъединяет theнекоторую typeфункциональность signatureдля somehow,обоих and this is what monads are for! In this part, we'll explore the State monad, which combines some of the functionality of both these concepts.
Once you understand State, you'll be well on your way to being a Haskell pro! Download our Production Checklist to learn some of the cool ways you can apply your newfound skills!
As with the other articles in this series, you can follow along with the code here on our Github Repository! Take a look here for the complete version of the code in this article. If you want to fill in some of the examples as you follow along, you can also take a look at the incomplete version of the module as well!идей.
MOTIVATINGМотивации EXAMPLE:пост: TIC TAC TOEКрестики-нолики
ForДля thisэтой part,части we'llмы useвоспользуемся aпростой simpleмоделью modelдля forигры aКрестки-нолики. TicГлавный Taceобъект Toeэто game.тип Theданных mainGameState
objectсодержащий isнесколько theважных GameStateкусочков dataинформации. typeПервое containingи severalважное, importantон pieces of information. First and foremost, it has theсодержит "board"доску", anи arrayдвумерный fromмассив 2Dиндексов indicesсостояния toполей(X/0 theили "Tile State" (X, O or empty)пусто). ThenТак itже alsoзнает knowsчей theход currentи playerимеет onслучайный move, and it has a random generator.генератор.
data GameState = GameState
{ board :: A.Array TileIndex TileState
, currentPlayer :: Player
, generator :: StdGen
data Player = XPlayer | OPlayer
data TileState = Empty | HasX | HasO
deriving Eq
type TileIndex = (Int, Int)
Let'sДавай thinkвзглянем atна aто, highкак levelнекоторые aboutиз howфункций someнашей ofигры ourбудут gameработать. functionsНапример wouldнужно work.придумать Weфункцию could,для forслучайного instance,выбора haveхода. aОна functionдолна forвыводить selectingTileIndex
aи randomизменять move.генератор Thisнашей wouldигры. outputЗатем aосновываясь TileIndexна toнем playделаем andшаг alterи ourпередаем game'sход numberдругому generator.игроку. WeДругими wouldсловами, thenу makeнас aесть moveоперации basedкоторые onзависят theот selectedтекущего moveсостояния andигры, theно currentтак player.же Thisобновляет wouldэто change the board state as well as swap the current player. In other words, we have operations that depend on the current state of the game, but also update that state.состояние.
This is exactly the situation the State monad deals with. The State monad wraps computations in the context of reading and modifying a global state object. This context chains two operations together in an intuitive way. First, it determines what the state should be after the first operation. Then, it resolves the second operation with the new state.
It is parameterized by a single type parameter s, the state type in use. So just like the Reader has a single type we read from, the State has a single type we can both read from and write to. There are two primary actions we can take within the State monad: get and put. The first retrieves the state, the second modifies it by replacing it with a new object. Typically though, this new object will be similar to the original:
-- Retrieves the state, like Reader.ask
get :: State s s
-- Overwrites the existing state
put :: s -> State s ()
There is also a runState function, similar to runReader and runWriter. Like the Reader monad, we must provide an initial state, in addition to the computation to run. But then like the writer, it produces two outputs: the result of our computation AND the final state:
runState :: s -> State s a -> (a, s)
If we wish to discard either the final state or the computation's result, we can use evalState and execState, respectively:
evalState :: State s a -> s -> a
execState :: State s a -> s -> s
So for our Tic Tac Toe game, many of our functions will have a signature like State GameState a.
Now we can examine some of the different functions mentioned above and determine their types. We have for instance, picking a random move:
chooseRandomMove :: State GameState TileIndex
chooseRandomMove = do
game <- get
let openSpots = [ fst pair | pair <- A.assocs (board game), snd pair == Empty]
let gen = generator game
let (i, gen') = randomR (0, length openSpots - 1) gen
put $ game { generator = gen' }
return $ openSpots !! i
This outputs a TileIndex to us, and modifies the random number generator stored in our state! Now we also have the function applying a move:
applyMove :: TileIndex -> State GameState ()
applyMove i = do
game <- get
let p = currentPlayer game
let newBoard = board game A.// [(i, tileForPlayer p)]
put $ game { currentPlayer = nextPlayer p, board = newBoard }
nextPlayer :: Player -> Player
nextPlayer XPlayer = OPlayer
nextPlayer OPlayer = XPlayer
tileForPlayer :: Player -> TileState
tileForPlayer XPlayer = HasX
tileForPlayer OPlayer = HasO
This updates the board with the new tile, and then changes the current player, providing no output.
So finally, we can combine these functions together with do-syntax, and it actually looks quite clean! We don't need to worry about the side effects. The different monadic functions handle them. Here's a sample of what your function might look like to play one turn of the game. At the end, it returns a boolean determining if we've filled all the spaces:
resolveTurn :: State GameState Bool
resolveTurn = do
i <- chooseRandomMove
applyMove i
isGameDone :: State GameState Bool
isGameDone = do
game <- get
let openSpots = [ fst pair | pair <- A.assocs (board game), snd pair == Empty]
return $ length openSpots == 0
Obviously, there are some more complications for how the game would work in full, but the general idea should be clear. Any additional functions could live within the State monad.
When thinking about Haskell, it is often seen as a restriction that we can't have global variables like you could with Java class variables. However, we see now this isn't true. We could have a data type with exactly the same functionality as a Java class. We would just have many functions that can modify the global state of the class object using the State monad.
The difference is in Haskell we simply put a label on these types of functions. We don't allow it to happen for free. We want to know when side effects can potentially happen, because knowing when they can happen makes our code easier to reason about. In a Java class, many of the methods won't actually need to modify the state. But they could, which makes it harder to debug them. In Haskell we can simply make these pure functions, and our code will be simpler.
IO is the same way. It's not like we can't perform IO in Haskell. Instead, we want to label the areas where we can, to increase our certainty about the areas where we don't need to. When we know part of our code cannot communicate with the outside world, we can be far more certain of its behavior.
That wraps it up for the State monad! Now that we know all these different monad constructs, you might be wondering how we can combine them. What if there was some part of our state that we wanted to be able to modify (using the State monad), but then there was another part that was read-only. How can we get multiple monadic capabilities at the same time? To learn to answer, head to part 6! In the penultimate section of this series, we'll discuss monad transformers. This concept will allow us to compose several monads together into a single monad!
Now that you're starting to understand monads, you can really pick up some steam on learning some useful libraries for important tasks. Download our Production Checklist for some examples of libraries that you can learn!