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Часть 3: Haskell и взвешенная практика

HaveВы youбыли everв beenситуации inкогда aвы situationпытаетесь whereизучить youчто-то triedв learningопределенное something,время, putи inзастряли theна properэтом? time,Шанс, andчто gotвы stuck?изучаете Chancesпредмет areне youлучшим weren'tспособом. learningНо inкак theвы bestможете way.узнать, Butчто howвходит canв youэто know"хорошее" whatизучние constitutesвашей goodтемы? learningОно inможет yourразочаровать field?при Itпопытке canнайти beчто-то frustratingв toинтернете. tryБольшинство toлюдей findне adviceдумают forо howтом toспособе learnкоторым aони specificизучают topicновое. onОни theизучают, internet.но Mostони peopleне doмогут notвыразить thinkи aboutобучить theдругих wayлюдей inтому, whichчто theyони learn.делают, Theyпотому doчто learn,для butэтого theyнет can’t externalize and teach other people what they did, so there aren't guides for this sort of thing.инструкции.

PartЧасть 1 ofэтой thisглавы seriesговорит exploredнам whyо weтом, shouldn'tпочему beвы afraidне toдолжны tryбояться learningпробовать изучить Haskell. PartЧасть 2 consideredобсуждает someнекоторые macro-levelтехники tehcniques.на Thisвысшем partуровне. willЭта goчасть overпройдется aпо coupleпаре moreключевых keyидей ideasиз from The "Art of LearningLearning" byДжоша JoshВайтцкина. Waitzkin.Мы We'llрассмотрим lookна specificallyто, atкак howизбежать weпроблему avoid this problem of "getting stuck."застрявания.

TheПервая firstидея, conceptо we’llкоторой talkмы aboutзагооврим isэто theидея ideaвзвешенной ofпрактики. deliberateЦель practice.этой Theпрактики goalприцелиться ofв deliberateконкретную practiceидею isи toпопробовать zeroулушчить inопределенные onнавыки aдо specificтех ideaпор, andпока tryони toбудут improveтолько aв certainподсознании. skillВторая untilидея it- becomeроль subconscious.ошибок Theв secondизчении conceptлюбого isнового theнавыка. roleМы ofбудем mistakesиспользовать inэто learningдля anyстимула newведущего skill.дальше, We'llкоторы useпредостережот theseнас toот propelэтой ourselvesже forwardидеи andв prevent ourselves from tripping over the same ideas in the future.будущем.

We'llМы wrapраскроем upэто thisв series4 withчасти, partв 4,которой whichразберем willприменение getэтой intoтехники aв specific application of these techniques to learningизучении Haskell.

SomeНекоторые ofтехники theseпроще techniquesпонять, areесли easierвы toуже understandимеете ifкакую-то youпрактику alreadyв haveизучении concrete practice with learning Haskell! Check out our Beginner's Checklist to get started!Haskell.


SupposeПредположим, forна aминуточку, momentвы you’reучите learningкомпозицию toна play a particular piece of music on the piano (or any instrument)фортепьяно. TheНаибольшее biggestискушение temptationздесь outэто there"учите" isчасть toповторяя “learn”композицию theот pieceначала byдо repeatedlyконца. playingЧасть itу fromвас startполучлается, toчасть finish.- You’llнет. getВ aитоге, fairвы amountизучили right,большую andчасть. you’llЭто getзаманчивый aспособ fairпрактки amountпо wrong.нескольким Eventually, you’ll get most of it right. This is a tempting method of practice for a few different reasons:причинам:

  1. It’sЭто the"очевидный" “obvious” choice.выбор.
  2. ItОн let’sпозволяет usнам doпроиграть theчасть, partsкоторую weмы alreadyуже enjoyузнали andи areполучить goodудовольствие at,от which feels good.этого.
  3. ItСкорей is,всего afterв all,результате mostмы likeвыучим what we’ll actually end up doing in a performance. However, it’s a suboptimal method from a learning perspective. If you want to improve your ability to play the piece from start to finish, you should focus on your weakest areas. You have to find the specific passages that you are struggling with. Once you’ve determined those, you can break them down even further. You can find specific measures or even notes that you have difficulty with. You should practice these weaknesses over and over again, fixing one small thing at a time. At a certain point, you’ll need to go all the way through, but this should wait until you’re confident on all your weak spots.композицию.

TheОднако, focusэто onне smallоптимальный thingsметод isсо theстороны mostобучения. importantЕсли part.вы Youхотите can’tулучшить takeвашу aвозможность trickyиграть passageвашу youкомпозицю knowот nothingначала aboutдо andконца, playвы itдолжны perfectlyсфокусироваться fromна startслабых toместах. finish.Вам Youнужно mightнайти startопределенные withпассажи, oneкоторые sectionвам thatдаются forcesхуже youвсего. makeКак aтолько quickвы handих movement.определите, Youвы mightможете practiceразбирать aих dozenдальше. timesВы justможете focusingнайти onопределенную gettingразмерность theили lastдаже noteноты andс thenкоторыми movingу yourвас hand.проблемы. NothingВы elseдолжны isпрактиковать importantслабые forместа theseснова dozenи repetitions.снова, Onceисправляя you’veодну madeмаленькую theвещь handза movementдругой. subconscious,Отсюда, youвам canнужно moveпройти ontoвесь anotherпуть idea.и Theэто nextзаставляет stepвас mightожидать, beчто toвы makeбудете sureуверенны youчто hitвы theизучили firstвсе threeсвои notes"слабыу" after the hand movement.места.

ThisФокусируясь sumsна upмаленьких theвещях idea- ofглавная deliberateчасть. practice.Вы Weне focusможете onвзять oneхитрый thingпассаж atо aкотором time,ничего andне practiceзнаете thatи oneсыграть thingего deliberately.правильно Mindlessот practice,начала orдо practiceконца. forВы theможете sakeначать ofс practiceодной willчасти, onlyкоторая giveзаставляет usвас slowускорится. progress.Вы Itможете mayтренироваться evenмного impedeраз ourпросто progressфокусируясь ifна weполучении buildпоследней upноты badи habits.двигаться Weруку canдальше. applyВас itне toволнует anyничего skillкроме outреппетиции. there,Как includingтолько coding.движение Weвашей wantруки toпереходит buildв upподкорку, tinyвы habitsможете thatидти willдальше graduallyк makeследующей usчасти. better.Следующий шаг уже нужен, чтобы убедиться что вы достигли первых трех нот.

Это идея взвешенной практики. Мы фокусируемся на одной вещи во времени, и практикуем её неспеша. Бездумная практика, или практика рази практики будет давать вам маленький прогресс. Даже может уменьшить прогресс если мы заимеем плохие привычки. Мы можем применять это к любому навыкы, включая программирование. Мы хотим нахватать маленькие привычки, которые будут постепенно делать нас лучше.


SoВзвешенная deliberateпрактика practiceэто isсистема aпостроения systemнавыков, ofкоторую buildingмы upхотим. skillsОднако, weесть want.множество However,привычек, thereкоторые areмы alsoне plentyхотим. ofМы habitsделаем weмного don’tвещей, want.ошибки Weкоторых doмы manyпоймем thingsпозже. thatИ weнаихудшая realizeвещь laterэто areкогда errors.мы Andпонимаем, theчто worstмы thingповторяем isодну whenи weту realizeже we’ve made the same error over and over again!ошибку.

WaitzkinВайцкин notesотмети inв "Art of Learning,Learning": “IfЕсли aстудент studentлюбого ofпредмета anyможет discipleизбежать couldхотябы avoidповтора everодной repeatingи theтой sameже mistakeошибки twice,дважды, theyони wouldбыстро skyrocketдостигнут toвысот theв topизучаемой ofтеме. theirМы field.”так Weже couldможем alsoсделать doэто thisесли ifбудем weизбегать avoidошибок mistakesв entirely,целом, butно thisэто isn’tне possible.возможно. We’llМы alwaysвсегда makeделаем mistakesошибки, theпробуя firstчто-то time we try something.впервые.

So first we have to embrace the certainty that mistakes will happen. Once we’ve done this, we can have a plan for dealing with them. We won’t be able to avoid ever repeating mistakes, but we can take steps that will reduce the rate at which we do. And if we’re able to do this, we’ll see major improvement. Our solution will ultimately be to keep a record of the mistakes we make. By writing things, down, we'll dramatically reduce the repetition of errors.


So now we need to step back into the land of coding and ask ourselves how we can apply these ideas to Haskell. What specific areas of our coding practices can we focus on?

You could write an application, and focus on nothing but building the following habit: before you write a function, stub it out as undefined and make sure the type signature compiles (we'll discuss this technique in more detail in part 4! It doesn't matter if you do anything else right! After you've gotten into that habit, you could also take another step. You could make sure you always write the function’s invocation (where your other code calls the function) before you implement it.

I’ve chosen these examples because there are two things that slow us the most when writing functions. The first is a lack of clarity because we don’t know exactly how our code will use the function. The second is the repetition of work when we realize we need to re-write the function. This can happen because there was an extra type we didn’t account for or something like that. These habits are designed to get you to plan more up front so that your life is simpler when it comes to implementation.

Here are a couple of other ideas in a similar vein:

  1. Before writing a function, write a comment describing that function.
  2. Before you use expressions from a library, add it to your .cabal file. Then, write the import statement to make sure you are using the right dependency. Another great practice is to know how you will test a piece of functionality before you implement it. Ideally, you would write unit test cases for that function. But if it’s a very simple feature, like getting a line of input and parsing it in some way, you can get away with simpler ideas. You could commit to running your program on the command line with a couple types of input, for instance. As long as you know your approach before you start coding, it counts. It might be most helpful to write the test plan in some document first.

So in almost all the above cases, the “trigger” for building this habit is writing a new function. The trigger is the most important part of building a new habit. It is the action that tips your brain off that you should be doing something you’re not accustomed to doing. In this case, the trigger could be writing the :: for the type signature. Every time you do this, remind yourself of your current goal.

Here’s an idea with a different trigger. Every time you pick a structure to contain your data (list, sequence, set, map, etc.), brainstorm at least three alternatives. Once you get beyond the basics, you’ll find each structure has its unique strengths. It would be most helpful if you wrote down your reasoning for your final choice. The trigger in this case could be every time you write the data keyword. For a more extreme version, the trigger could be writing down the left bracket to start a list. Each time you do this, ask yourself if you could be using a different structure.

Here's one final possibility. Every time you make a type synonym, ask yourself if you would be better served making a newtype out of it instead. This often leads to better compile time behaviors. You'll likely see clearer error messages, and you'll catch more of your errors at compile time. The trigger here is also simple: any time you type the keyword type.

Here’s the most important thing though. Don’t try more than one of these at a time! You want to pick one thing, practice it until it becomes subconscious, and then move on to other things. This is the hardest part about deliberate practice: maintaining your patience. The biggest temptation is to move on and try new things often before the good habits are solidified. Once you shift your focus onto other items, you might lose whatever it was you were working on! Remember to treat learning like compound interest! You need to make small investments that stack up over a long period time. You can't hurry the process.


Let's also consider the various ways we can avoid making the same mistakes in the future. Again, these are different from the “skills” you build up with deliberate practice. They don't occur much, and you don’t want to “practice” them. You just want to remember how you fixed some issue so you can solve it again if it does come up. You should keep a list in a google doc of all the worst mistakes you’ve encountered in your programming. The google doc should record three things for each mistake.

  1. What was the compiler message or runtime behavior?
  2. What was the problem with your code?
  3. How did you fix it? So for an example, think about a time you were certain your code was correct. You look at the error, then back to your code, then back to the error. And you're still sure your code is right. Of course, the compiler is (almost) always right. You want to document these so they don't trip you up again.

Other good candidates are those runtime errors where you cannot for the life of you track down where the error even occurred in your code. You’ll want to write down what this experience was like so the next time it happens, you’ll be able to fix it quickly. By writing about it, you’ll also motivate yourself to avoid it as well.

Then there are also dumb mistakes that you should record because it’ll teach you the right way faster. Like when you’re starting out you might use the (+) operator to try to append two strings instead of the (++) operator. By writing down errors like this, you'll learn quirky language features much faster.

One final group of things you should track down is awesome solutions. Not just bug fixes, but solutions to your central programming problems. For instance, you found your program was too slow, but you used a better data structure to improve it. Not only does it feel good to write about things that went well, you’ll have a record of what you did. That way, you’ll be able to apply it next time as well. These kinds of items (both the good and the bad) make good fodder for technical interviews. Interviewers are often keen to see what kinds of challenges you’ve overcome to show your growth potential as an engineer.

I have one example that demonstrates the good and bad of recording mistakes. I had a nasty bug when I was trying to build my Haskell project using Cabal. I remember it being a linker error that didn’t point to any particular file. I did a good job in making a mental note that the solution was to add something to the “.cabal” file. But I didn’t write down the full context or full solution. So in the future, I'll see a linker error and know I have to do something in the “.cabal” file, but I won’t be sure exactly what. So I’ll still be more likely to repeat this error than I would if I had written down the full resolution.


It’s an oft-repeated mantra that practice makes perfect. But as anyone who’s mastered a skill can tell you, only good practice makes perfect. Bad or mindless practice will leave you stuck. Or worse, it will ingrain poor habits that will take more time to undo. Deliberate practice is the process of solidifying knowledge by building up tiny habits. You pick one thing to focus on, and ignore everything else. Then you learn that focus until it has become subconscious. Only then do you move on to learning other things. This approach requires a great deal of patience.

One final thing we have to understand about learning is the need to embrace the possibility that we will make mistakes. Once we have done this, we can make a plan for recording those mistakes. This way, we can learn from them and not repeat them. This will dramatically improve our pace of development.

Now you should move onto the fourth and final part of our Haskell Brain series! You'll learn about Compile Driven Learning, a specific Haskell technique for deliberate practice!

If you want to get more hands on with deliberate practice, you should download our Recursion Workbook! In addition to some content on recursion, it contains 10 practice problems. The answers start from undefined so you can build up your solutions step-by-step. It's a great way to learn deliberate practice ideas!

If you’ve never written a line of Haskell before, don’t be afraid! You should start with our Beginner's Checklist. It will walk you through installing Haskell and give you some helpful tools for starting on your Haskell journey!